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Publix Waters the Seeds of Lovingkindness; Noticing

Today is the last full day of my vacation. I had a lot to accomplish in preparation for the coming week and a stop at Publix was on the list. With a few more stops to make after this one, I was grateful it was Friday and that I would miss the weekend crowds.

While standing in line to check out, I noticed that the woman ahead of me didn't speak much English and had a little girl in tow. The cashier was finishing up the order, and the friendly older man was bagging the last of her groceries. I was happy I was next in line and could be on my way!

The cashier smiled at the little girl in the cart and reached down to give her what every child covets, a coloring book and crayons. When she asked the little girl if she would like to have these prized possessions, her little face lit up the room, and her joy was evident. I smiled, happy to see so much happiness! At that point, the cashier realized she was out of crayons and had to open a new pack of them in order to give them to the little girl. People were lining up behind me, the email bell notification on my phone was going off in my purse, as it often does, but I decided to hear that notification as a bell of mindfulness and take the time to enjoy this moment. The cashier took the time to free a single pack of crayons from the carton and the older bagger gave the little girl her own little sack to carry these treasures in "all your own," he said. The mother was smiling, the little girl was smiling, I was smiling, and ... well, everyone was smiling! Precious parcel in hand, the little girl left the store in her cart and her mother nodded her appreciation with a big smile. The language barrier was instantly broken.

When I reached the checkout area, I told the cashier and the bagger that they had made my day and had caused me to smile. They looked a little surprised, and the bagger said, "I am touched!" I responded, "It only took a couple of moments to make this child so happy and with all that goes on in the world today, these little acts of kindness mean so much." They were really happy at that point, and everyone was really smiling --even the people behind me. I concluded by saying, "I hope that someone today takes a moment to make you as happy as you made that little girl."

I left the store realizing again that it takes mere moments to perform a small act of kindness and that it takes a few moments more to let someone know how much it means --and that you noticed. Letting people know your appreciation continues to water the seeds of lovingkindness that continue to sprout and grow in others. It can be endless.

What kindness can you offer in one of the many moments that make up today? Why don't you find out?

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